Tips for Placing Indoor LED Display Screens

If you are interested in buying LED advertising screens, you should know that this is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. In addition to the brightness and image quality they emit, their internal and external use primarily depends on their resistance and power consumption characteristics. Generally, indoor screens require better resolution. For this reason, we sometimes don't know where to place our new LED screens to be as effective as possible. Where should indoor LED displays be placed?

Positioning of indoor LED displays

Indoors, LED displays are usually used to promote sales in shop windows and must have high resolution at close range. Such screens can be customized for decoration on the back. For example, you can refer to a business model that is conducive to conveying promotional and discount information to potential customers. Do you want to know some tips on placing your indoor LED screen in the most strategic location?

Where should indoor LED displays be placed?

Where do your customers spend the most time? The answer to this question will help you place the screen for maximum efficiency, as it will affect customer presence for longer. For example, this can be in cash registers or in waiting rooms of various hospitals and clinics with indoor LED displays.

Screen height

It is recommended not to place the screen too high or too low. How to know the ideal height? Indoors, it is ideal to place it at eye level, at the same level as your best product.


The brightness of the LED display must be adjusted, not just to comply with default levels. Brightness depends on the lighting of the room where the screen is placed. Emphasizing this point is important, but it is not about dazzling your customers all the time, so always test brightness levels with lighting where you will place it and under natural daylight to specify levels. With indoor LED displays, you can also program brightness level adjustment according to the time of day, so you don't have to do it manually every day.

Vertical or horizontal? Although we think of horizontal screens when we think of screens, standalone LED displays are also a good option. This type of screen has many advantages because it can be moved, so you can move it according to your convenience and place it in narrow spaces.

What is your goal? Before choosing where to place your indoor LED display, consider what kind of content you want to play. Do you want to promote your brand? Do you want to promote special offers? The objective will determine the effectiveness of the content. Promote your sales at the entrance to attract more customers, promote special promotions near the box and promote the products found in the shop window to passersby.